Paws for the Cause – NhRP
Founded in 2007, The Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) is an organization actively pursuing legal rights for cognitively complex nonhuman animals. The NhRP’s first cases were filed on behalf of captive chimpanzees in 2013. An upcoming documentary, Unlocking the Cage follows NhRP and president Steven Wise on this journey and will premiere at Sundance Film Festival in 2016.
Despite evidence of sentience, a capacity for problem solving, emotional awareness, social complexity, many species of animals remain subjects of cruel experiments; are removed from habitats; held in captivity; used and exploited for human amusements; and suffer many abuses at human hands. A transition toward animal “rights” would impact significant conceptual and practical differences involved in moving from “property” to “personhood” status. Instead of regarding nonhuman animals as “things,” recognizing they are “beings” involves what seems an obvious recognition: there are diverse species of animals which demonstrate numerous traits that differentiate them from objects, and that reality necessitates a profound difference in expectations for their treatment, both legally and ethically. NhRP’s work is at the forefront of this current legal effort.
In addition to campaigns and court filings, NhRP monitors animal issues in the news, resources, as well as providing a comprehensive state by state analysis of animals’ legal status. NhRP recognizes the role of the law in taking a significant step toward a more balanced and less anthropocentric worldview.
NhRP describes their primary purpose succinctly: “to break through the legal wall that separates humans from nonhumans, thereby gaining legal ‘personhood’ for nonhuman animals, beginning with some of the most cognitively complex animals on earth.” The potential to change laws could lead to an overdue revision to human relationships with the world and its inhabitants. Read about the mission, founders, and learn more about NhRP’s groundbreaking work.
“We have the gift of our lives to make a difference. It’s up to us to decide what kind of difference we want to make.” ~ Jane Goodall