How Kitty Got Her Groove Back
After watching bouts of rambunctious play and wild antics, almost anyone who has adopted a kitten would agree that kittens are a handful. Even when engaging in what most people would call destructive play (like racing up the curtains or scratching furniture), it is relatively easy to introduce toys to distract and redirect a kitten, and thus solve many behavior issues with simple interventions and interactive play time.
A consequence of the tendency for adult cats to mellow out, unfortunately, is that they often receive less play time (and attention). However, playing remains essential for adult cats, and providing a stimulating environment improves physical and mental well being. It’s easy to miss the signals from adult cats, but boredom can result still in undesired behaviors. Here are some tips to engage an older cat in play.
- Provide different types of toys to keep your cat happy: stuffed felt, balls, simple “fishing style” wands or teaser toys (Try Queen approved favorites like Cat Dancer or Da Bird)
- If you have oodles of toys- rotate availability to peak interest – some research suggests that cats get bored with toys, not necessarily with styles of toys or games
- Introduce a puzzle feeder – the rewarding nibble of food can be exciting and mentally stimulating (be sure to factor in the quantity of food delivered and avoid overfeeding; some cats enjoy this as an effective way to “earn” part of a meal)
- Make some cat toys with household items like an empty cardboard box or paper bag (with no handles)
- Keep laser play fun by ending with something they can touch (like a felt mouse)
- Some studies show cats play more with toys designed to pull apart or change – likely because they simulate hunting and stimulate predator drive
Never underestimate the value of interaction! Is your cat walking on the keyboard while you work? Toss a ball of crumpled paper across the room. That simple gesture may be the highlight of your cat’s day. Reminder: regularly inspect toys and discard toys that are damaged.